HAIL CONJURER "Satanic Phenomenology" Pro-MC
"Satanic Phenomenology" stretches the concept of black metal even further than the previous Hail Conjurer albums. The album, presented as an occult and ritualistic study of nine steps into the demonic realm and the tremendous and disillusioned essence of satanic reality, consists of both the most traditional and melodic black metal songs Hail Conjurer has done to date, but also the abstract and experimental collages of subtle sounds and noise, escaping the definitions of metal music.
Stream: https://hailconjurer.bandcamp.com/album/satanic-phenomenology Order: https://t-d-g.net/products/hail-conjurer-satanic-phenomenology-pro-mc
 SAMMAS' EQUINOX "Tulikehrät" Pro-MC
Raw Finnish black metal that is truly not devoid of somber melodies and grimly majestic atmosphere, filled with mysticism and the ever-strong grip of the still vivid traditions from the past. Of Fire and Will! After 2 demo tapes and a split 7"EP with their countrymen Emanating Void the band has refined their art into a monolith of their own. With Blood Red Fog, Pantheon of Blood or Nécropole (live) members.
Stream: https://sammasequinox.bandcamp.com/album/tulikehr-t Order: https://t-d-g.net/products/sammas-equinox-tulikehrat-pro-mc
 SAMMAS' EQUINOX "Maailmantaonta" Pro-MC
Finnish black metal. With this mini-album Sammas' Equinox is not straying far from the path, they have set on since their formation. “Maailmantaonta” introduces slightly more meditative and somewhat more “progressive” elements, but the songs from Sammas' Equinox forge remain fiery and crackling, growing only darker and rawer.
Stream: https://sammasequinox.bandcamp.com/album/maailmantaonta Order: https://t-d-g.net/products/sammas-equinox-maailmantaonta-pro-mc
 CHHEAM / HÉMATOHIÉMAL "Chheam / Hématohiémal" MC
Like a forgotten shadow, this split cassette emerges from a very distant past. Bringing together two mysterious new entities of Quebec black metal, the warriors involved in this manifestation are long-time lurkers from the French-Canadian underground.
Chheam presents a monumentally tortured journey into the subconscious of a tormented and bloody soul, born of fire and living in frost. 3 tracks of introspective and epic black metal exalting the trauma of an undermined bloodline. The fury of erased memories of a buried past resurfacing in dazzling tumults...
Hématohiémal navigates through the icy lands of the soul, a succession of 14 short songs that are at once angry, dry and minimalist, but also atmospheric and cold. They reflect the very essence of solitude and contemplation. Each note resonates like an ethereal breeze, enveloping the listener in an atmosphere of madness, evoking distorted images of endless snowy landscapes and profound silences.
Stream: https://youtu.be/tPvR6zuDKyQ Order: https://t-d-g.net/products/chheam-hematohiemal-chheam-hematohiemal-mc
 Tour de Garde Winter 2024 Cassette Bundle
- CHHEAM / MÉMATOHIÉMAL "Chheam / Hématohiémal" MC - HAIL CONJURER "Satanic Phenomenology" Pro-MC - SAMMAS' EQUINOX "Tulikehrät" Pro-MC - SAMMAS' EQUINOX "Maailmantaonta" Pro-MC
Order: https://t-d-g.net/products/tour-de-garde-winter-2024-cassette-bundle
AKITSA "Devenir le diable" CD/LP
Very few bands have survived such a duration and Akitsa whom previously rested alongside other predecessors from North America has now decidedly outlived the majority. Equal parts hateful and sombre, their dedication to minimalism is stern and theirs alone. The elements are traditional and youthful - love them or hate them but in the end their black metal is singular and theirs alone… 6 concise refined tracks where the evil spirit of displaced youth returns to haunt and rattle inside the skeletons of the modern world.
Music cassette version will be in stock soon at Tour de Garde.
Stream: https://akitsa.bandcamp.com/ Order: https://t-d-g.net/search?q=devenir+le+diable
Some articles have been added to our store. The distribution is slowly coming back to the webstore as the inventory is being rebuilt. In the meantime you can browse more articles at Discogs, check the Tour de Garde Discogs store here: http://www.discogs.com/seller/Tour-de-Garde/profile