SAPAUDIA "Sainte nuit" PRO-MC
Tour de Garde
The relatively unknown Sapaudia might be a whisper from the depths of the French black metal underground but a recent addition to this French unit’s lineup has made a very interesting case for exploring. Re-introducing Swedish black metal vocalist and weirdo extraordinaire Ravenlord, formerly of Woods of Infinity fame, the powerful, morose atmospheric black metal defined in Sapaudia’s debut, which is actually featured in a subsequent section, Sapaudia’s sonic depression takes on a much more sinister, desperate persona. Youngster Duc de Sapaudia’s traditional take on a more depressive black metal sound which wouldn’t sound out of place on a shelf with Shining and Drudkh, pairs perfectly with Ravenlord’s over-the-top shrieks and wails. Though this ultimately leaves us with an unquenchable thirst for more Woods of Infinity, Sapaudia fills the void left in their absence surprisingly well.