NECROMANCY "Ancient Wrath" 12"LP $22.00
NOVEMBER GRIEF “Evil-ution” 12"LP $28.00
NOVEMBER GRIEF “To Live... In this World of Chaos” 12"LP $28.00
NOX MORBUM "Nox Morbum" 12"LP $30.00
OCCULT BURIAL "Hideous Obscure" 12"LP $25.00
ÖRMAGNA "Örmagna" Gatefold 12"LP $25.00
PAGAN HELLFIRE "In Desolation, in Ruins" 12"LP $28.00
PAGAN HELLFIRE "The Will of Night" 12"LP $28.00
PIG'S BLOOD "A Flock Slaughtered" 12"LP $22.00
PIG'S BLOOD "Pig's Blood" 12"LP $22.00
PROFEZIA "Oracolo Suicida" 12"LP $25.00
PROFEZIA "The Truth of Ages" 12"LP $25.00
PROFUNDI "The Omega Rising" Gatefold 12"LP $20.00
SAGENLAND "Oale Groond" 12"LP $25.00
SERPENT CREST "Ritual Euthanasia" 12"LP $26.00
TENEBRAE "Serenades of the Damned" 12"LP $25.00
UNDERGANG "Ufrivillig Donation Af Vitale Organer" 12"MLP $22.00
UNHOLY CRUCIFIX "Black Mass Metal" 12"LP $25.00
UNHOLY CRUCIFIX "Ordo Servorum Satanae" 12"LP $20.00
VASSAGO "Knights From Hell" 12"LP $22.00
VENUSBERG CARDINAL "Atlas of Dungeons" 12"LP From $30.00
WALPURGISNACHT "Die Derwaert Gaen En Keeren Niet" 12"LP $30.00
WOODS OF DESOLATION "The Darkest Days" Double Gatefold 12"LP $32.00
ÆREKÆR "MMXVII" 12"LP $25.00