DE ONTKOPPELING "De Ontkoppeling" MC
Haeresis Noviomagi, Levertraan
Haeresis Noviomagi, in conspiracy with Levertraan, presents the first and quite possibly only offering of this enigmatic project. Twenty-three minutes of mechanical dark ambient. Constructed from field recordings, tape manipulations, guitar drones and raw analogue effects, the tracks that make up “De Ontkoppeling” seem to flow from a place of disintegrating industrial electronics. Thematically, the project evokes modern man's alienation from both a world cast aside and forgotten, as well as any true relationship with our selves. Disengaged, stoic and machine like, the music presented here pierces the membrane of our symbolic – ultimately shallow – relationship with our surroundings. It provides a distressing and hallucinogenic sonic representation of these dislocations. De Ontkoppeling is limited to 150 professionally produced cassette tapes featuring artwork on risograph printed heavy stock inserts. Released by Haeresis Noviomagi and Levertraan.