Mordaehoth "Eens Weer Prevaleert Het Heidens Hart" Pro-MC
Heidens Hart
After the ritual number of nine years since the release of the 'Bloedwraak' debut album, Mordaehoth returns from the fog-veiled swamps of the pagan lowlands to present their all new full-length album.
Carved, burnt and built during years, 'Eens weer prevaleert het heidens hart' (not to be confused with the same titled 1998 demo) offers the ultimate grim pagan metal opus from The Netherlands: long and dark warhymns, blending bitter melancholy over lost ages with flaming hate for the postmodern world; and pride in taking action in the revolt against it! In a truly overcrowded scene Mordaehoth deserves your attention by standing out with a mix of pagan and black metal and influences of dark folk with added atmosphere of occasional keyboards and clean vocals.